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Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Spanish authorities Tuesday said it dismantled an alleged Dominican drug trafficking network

Spanish authorities Tuesday said it dismantled an alleged Dominican drug trafficking network, in a Police operation that led to the arrest of 10 ten people, accused of trafficking cocaine from that Caribbean nation and "other Central American countries," to Spain, Scotland and Italy.A source said the operation began at the end of last year in Spain when Police uncovered a ring of "citizens from the Dominican Republic dedicated to introducing large amounts of cocaine in our country," from the Caribbean country, home to its ringleader, linked to Colombian narcotics traffickers. The detainees received the drugs from the Dominican Republic using packets hidden in their body and bought narcotics other criminal groups, to treat it and distribute afterwards from a house in Madrid’s Tetuan sector. The operation included six raids in which the Police seized cell phones, material to “cut” and treat the drug, vehicles, computers and electronic equipment, as well as a bit more than three kilos of cocaine.

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