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Monday, 9 February 2009

Torrevieja crime in broad daylight

Torrevieja a man had parked his car in the town centre for only five minutes and the thieves attacked .They were well organised and had look outs on bicycles .When the time was right the car window was smashed and the CD player and and CD’s were stolen .Passers by saw it all happen and understandably did nothing .One never knows these days when there is a knife waiting to be used .The thieves were thought to be Russian .This man had experienced another daylight robbery only weeks before when his mobile phone was stolen from under his nose in his business place .It is clear that thieves are hanging around looking for a chance to steal from unsuspecting victims .Is it the credit crunch or the economic climate which causes people to behave in this way or are they just normal criminals ? When people do not have enough to feed themselves or their families then they will steal , in fact that is what most of us would do in similar circumstances , it is called survival .

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